Barbara Ferrante


I’ve always had a strong creative side, my mind is very active. Growing up easily bored and unable to sit still I was labeled a trouble maker in the many Catholic schools through which I passed. As an adult, I am well suited to my profession as a Dog Groomer – excuse me – Professional Canine Stylist. My creative side is still very strong and I always have multiple projects going at the same time. Thus Project Woman was born, I love the feel of fiber but I am interested in almost any kind of creative process, most recently delving into altered art and collage. I just can’t sit still.

My home is my studio; the living room holds looms and spinning wheels. A guest room contains pottery making equipment. Art projects and art possibilities are everywhere. The walls are covered in murals and quotes to remind me how I want my life to unfold, my home is my canvas.

Barbara hosts our Open Studio – Wet Felting.